What is difference between Resume and CV?

What is difference between Resume and CV?

Applying for a job is already a very anxiety-inducing task but it’s also very important to figure out what the interviewer actually wants to see: So, what is the difference between Resume and CV?

What is a Resume?

A document that summarizes your work experience, education, skills and achievements for an eligible employee can be termed as a Resume and is one of the most critical parts of a job application for an applicant.

Granted, that most of the times it is indeed stated in the job description itself but there are numerous instances where candidates have to figure out the need of the hour and this difference can sometimes be the difference between someone getting a job or not.

A CV and a resume are fundamentally different from each other in three main areas:
– Content
– Length
– Stability
The above points are discussed in length below:

CONTENTCV stands for Curriculum Vitaæ, which in Latin means the journey of my life. It contains a chronological arrangement of all the achievements in life- educational or extracurricular, paid work or NGO activities; all are included here in details.
LENGTHA CV is generally anywhere from two to three pages to six pages long. The length adequately indicates that the events and experiences of one’s life must be explained in details.
STABILITYA CV is generally static and doesn’t involve any major changes in the already existing data. New changes are made as additional data regarding more events comes in.

CONTENTIt contains relevant details in regards to the position being applied to. Thus, one should only add to those life experiences or events which are relevant to the job position description.
LENGTHResumes are generally very short, around one or two pages because the goal is to keep it concise so that the employer gets a quick overview of your abilities which are relevant to the post he is searching a candidate for.
STABILITYResumes are always changing; either with new events being added or according to the different job positions one is applying to.
Thus, A CV or a resume is the important selling tool which helps us to represent our work and achievements to the prospective employers and so, they should be monitored and created in a way which appeases the reviewing authority.


A Curriculum Vitae is like your entry ticket to the much-desired job that you want to secure.

A good Curriculum Vitae should not be more than two pages and never more than three because let’s face it, the employer receives tons of applications on a daily basis and he is surely going to overlook your CV if it is extremely lengthy.

First impressions matter the most and if you want to be sitting for an interview, you need to make sure that your CV is top-notch and up-to-date with all your experiences, skills and qualifications. Aim to ensure that the content is clear, structured, concise and relevant.

Earlier, schools and universities were only concerned about a student’s academic records so they generally used to neglect in preparing the student to step out in the real world of businesses and jobs.

However, this trend is changing looking at the tough challenges of securing a good job position. A thing, as small as a CV can make a world of a difference for the much-awaited job that has been desired by many but only a few can make it.

For building a good CV, you also need to work towards it because you can’t just include a set of skills that you think would seem attractive to the employer, you must possess those skills too.

Devote some of your time in college interning at a reputed company/startup.

Now, do not opt for internships just for the sake of doing something. If it doesn’t look good on paper, it’s of zero importance to you as well as to your future.

As long as the internship offers a good experience, knowledge and grows you in your already existing skills, be serious about it and work hard towards it. Opt for something similar that you wish to pursue further because if you include a top-quality work experience, then it is guaranteed to impress the employer.

They generally look for employees who already have some knowledge of the work that is to be done because it takes weeks for them to train the employee from scratch.

Any false details can let you down from your interview which is why you should always be honest about your skills and experiences.

A well-scripted Curriculum Vitae also gives you an edge over other candidates if it is professionally executed and speaks for yourself. It is your sales pitch and your best opportunity to sell yourself to the employer.

No matter how good you think you are, the marketplace initially judges you by your CVs and Resumes so you must make sure that you are giving proper importance to it and investing your time in building a good CV.

Types of Resumes

As people differ on individualistic basics, their personalities, skills, interests, and qualities differ, their categorization also differs on several bases. A resume or CV is a major place where these differences occur and need to be divided.

There are mainly four major types of a resume as follows:

1. Chronological resume
2. Functional resume
3. Combination resume
4. Targeted resume

Now, each type of resume has its own benefit and why it is preferred by the recruiter. Let’s discuss each of them in details.

1. Chronological Resume

A chronological resume starts by listing your most recent position first. Below your most recent job, you list your other jobs in reverse chronological order.

Employers typically prefer this type of resume because it’s easy to see what jobs you have held and when you have worked at them. This is the most common resume type.

It works well for job seekers with a strong, solid work history. If you are just starting your career, or if you are changing career fields, you might consider a different resume type.

2. Functional Resume

A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological work history. Instead of having a “work history” section at the top of your resume, you might have a “professional experience” or “accomplishments” section that lists various skills that you have developed over the years.

A functional resume also sometimes includes a resume summary or headline at the top, which details a person’s skills and achievements. It might not include one’s employment history at all or might have a concise list of work history at the bottom of the resume.

Functional resumes are used most often by people who are changing careers or who have gaps in their employment history. It is also useful for people who are new to the workforce, have limited work experience, or who have a gap in their employment. By highlighting skills rather than work history, one can emphasize that he or she is qualified for the job.

3. Combination Resume

A combination resume is a mix between a chronological resume and a functional resume. At the top of the resume is a list of one’s skills and qualifications. Below this is one’s chronological work history. However, the work history is not the focus of the resume and typically does not take up much space on the resume.

With this type of resume, you can highlight the skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for, and also provide your chronological work history. After all, most employers want to see your chronological work history, even if that history is not very extensive.

This kind of resume helps you highlight what makes you the best fit for the job, while still giving the employer all the information he or she wants.

4. Targeted Resume

A targeted resume is a resume that is customized to specifically highlight the experience and skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for. It definitely takes more work to write a targeted resume than to just click to apply with your existing resume.

However, it’s well worth the effort, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience.

Try to write a targeted resume for every job. Employers can easily see when you submit a generic resume, rather than thinking about why you are qualified for that specific job.

These were the major types of resume that is generally followed in making one.

Other subcategories can also be there. Some job recruiters may demand a specific kind, in that case, specification becomes very important.

Overall, the best resumes templates are all-inclusive and balanced. A good resume is chronologically structured, informative, targeted towards the job and is easy to view and impressive to the employer.

CV Owl brings to you the best online resume builder which will sure-shot get you a call for your dream job. Use CV Owl resume maker to build a professional resume

So, go on, and start creating your resume with CV Owl, the best online resume builder which will sure-shot get you a call for your much-awaited job.